
With over 25 years experience in the Asphalt, Highway Maintenance and Quarrying sectors, the range of services offered on a Project or Retained basis include:

Product Logistics

Often moving materials from source to site can involve one or more form of transport. This can include bulk shipping, pallets, containers, trains, lorries, tankers or barges. Add in dealing with Stevedores, Shipping Agents, Customs clearance or site constraints and suddenly it is not so straightforward.

With extensive experience of managing all of these factors and a network of specialist partnerships, A & A can offer Clients a Product Logistics service to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of materials to site.

Proof Reading

Having spent countless late evenings reading, editing, writing and checking commas, full stops or word counts in Tender Documents, we know how important a fresh pair of eyes can be.

If your Bid Submission or Marketing Material needs a review of content or style, we can provide feedback on a range of written media.

Through one of our close alliances, we can also translate documents and contracts to and from the English language.

Asphalt Technical Advice

Since coming in to the asphalt industry in the 1980s, we have been through many changes to product names, Specifications, British to European Standards and modernisation of plant and equipment but essentially the product is still the same.

If you require an experienced review and report on asphalt already laid or advice on choosing the most suitable material for your site, we can offer guidance of product and Contractor selection as well as Project Management services.