
Jig-Brix™ is an interlocking, mortar-less brick system, produced from a recycled mono polymer, developed to overcome the problem of the failure of ironwork installations within the highway.

In conjunction with Nottingham University and three other interested parties a Government LINK funded project was set up to investigate failed ironwork within the carriageway. This problem of failure is costing several million pounds to rectify each year.

One solution was the use of Jig-Brix™ sections under the ironwork for reinstatements of manholes and gully-pots, which would alleviate the problem of premature cracking in the surrounding asphalt, caused by the likely mismatch between the in-situ stiffness of the road ironwork installation and the movement of the road surface. The results are shown in the attached paper from Nottingham University.

- Cost-effective - Less road closure time
- Lightweight - no waste
- Adjustable on site - easy to use
- Durable
- 100% Re-cycled

Customised to your requirements, either assembled to order or bricks by the pallet.

A & A is the agent for Jig-Brix throughout Northern Ireland on behalf of Yorkin Associates.

Click here to download the Nottingham University report